"I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels."
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
Mother Teresa on Faith"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Faith"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Faith"All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired."
Martin Luther on Faith"Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts."
Mahatma Gandhi on Faith"We should so provide for old age that it may have no urgent wants of this world to absorb it from meditation on the next. It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave."
"You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea."
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up."
"The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration."
"Love alone could waken love."