"Someone once said that history has more imagination than all the scenario writers in the Pentagon, and we have a lot of scenario writers here. No one ever wrote a scenario for commercial airliners crashing into the World Trade Center."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein on Imagination"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
Dr. Seuss on Imagination"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein on Imagination"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation and is but a reflection of human frailty."
Albert Einstein on Imagination"Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?"
Sun Tzu on Imagination"China, in the future, is going to have even more nuclear capability than it has had in the past. I don't believe that they have anything to fear from the United States, and I frankly don't believe they do fear the United States."
"China, in the future, is going to have even more nuclear capability than it has had in the past. I don't believe that they have anything to fear from the United States, and I frankly don't believe they do fear the United States."
"I can't predict the future."
"It's wonderful that so many people want to contribute to fighting aids or malaria. But, if somebody isn't paying attention to the overall health system in the country, a whole lot of money can be wasted."
"I told my father I had to try political science for a year. He thought I was throwing my life away."