"When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan our journey too far ahead. No need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar our progress. We cannot take more than one step at a time."
"Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present."
Roger Babson on Time"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln on Time"Lost time is never found again."
Benjamin Franklin on Time"Patience and time do more than strength or passion."
Jean de La Fontaine on Time"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis on Time"Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world."
"No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation."
"The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others it is in yourself alone."
"There is an infinite difference between a little wrong and just right, between fairly good and the best, between mediocrity and superiority."
"Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances."