"Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Albert Einstein on Science"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Science"Science investigates religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power religion gives man wisdom which is control."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Science"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right a single experiment can prove me wrong."
Albert Einstein on Science"Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss."
Ralph Waldo Emerson on Science"Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better."
"Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better."