"The technological revolution at home makes it much easier for computers to do our work."
"Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country."
Margaret Thatcher on Home"A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body."
Benjamin Franklin on Home"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."
Oliver Wendell Holmes on Home"Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home."
Bill Cosby on Home"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in."
Robert Frost on Home"Americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. They didn't mind others being rich, as long as they had a path to move up as well. The American Dream is all about social mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can make it."
"The technological revolution at home makes it much easier for computers to do our work."
"America's growth historically has been fueled mostly by investment, education, productivity, innovation and immigration. The one thing that doesn't seem to have anything to do with America's growth rate is a brutal work schedule."
"I enjoy writing but I much prefer the experience of having written."
"Having your fiscal house in order and having a more manageable macro-economic future is going to be very useful in creating growth."