"I also think the relationship I have with my audience is a lot more complex than what Hitchcock seemed to want his to be - although I think he had more going on under the surface as well."
"You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and its good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete."
Keith Sweat on Relationship"Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul."
Mahatma Gandhi on Relationship"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."
Euripides on Relationship"Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods."
Denis Waitley on Relationship"You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity."
Epicurus on Relationship"The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff."
"The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff."
"Anybody who comes to the cinema is bringing they're whole sexual history, their literary history, their movie literacy, their culture, their language, their religion, whatever they've got. I can't possibly manipulate all of that, nor do I want to."
"Do you remember when you found out you wouldn't live forever? People don't talk about this, but everybody had to go through it because you're not born with that knowledge."
"But when you're writing a script - for me anyway - you have to sort of create an enforced innocence. You have to divest yourself of worrying about a lot of stuff like what movies are hot, what movies are not hot, what the budget of this movie might be."