"In terms of the legal matter of creating a contract between two people that's called marriage, and allowing them to live together with the protection of law, it seems to me is the way we should be moving in this country."
"I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five."
Steven Wright on Legal"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery."
Calvin Coolidge on Legal"A successful lawsuit is the one worn by a policeman."
Robert Frost on Legal"Make crime pay. Become a lawyer."
Will Rogers on Legal"Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens."
Plato on Legal"Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age."
"Get mad, then get over it."
"It isn't enough just to scream at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. We need our political system to start reflect this anger back into, 'How do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again?'"
"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."
"I think whether you're having setbacks or not, the role of a leader is to always display a winning attitude."