"Even if there are a lot women in films, there are few who are lesbians, that people know about."
"A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."
Eleanor Roosevelt on Women"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot."
Marilyn Monroe on Women"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent."
Friedrich Nietzsche on Women"The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles."
Ralph Waldo Emerson on Women"As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot."
John Lennon on Women"I would have liked maybe to be in architecture or painting, something connected to the fine arts."
"Cinema is still a very young art form with extraordinary techniques and very impressive special effects but sometimes it seems the soul has been taken out of things."
"Film is a very young art that is still evolving. Soon, we shall reach a balance between content and technology."
"I have no physical courage, I've asked for a double."
"Acting is also working with people who invite you into their dreams and trust you with their innermost being."