"My father probably thought the capital of the world was wherever he was at the time. It couldn't possibly be anyplace else. Where he and his wife were in their own home, that, for them, was the capital of the world."
"Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present."
Roger Babson on Time"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln on Time"Lost time is never found again."
Benjamin Franklin on Time"Patience and time do more than strength or passion."
Jean de La Fontaine on Time"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis on Time"I paint mostly from real life. It has to start with that. Real people, real street scenes, behind the curtain scenes, live models, paintings, photographs, staged setups, architecture, grids, graphic design. Whatever it takes to make it work."
"I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be."
"I don't think the human mind can comprehend the past and the future. They are both just illusions that can manipulate you into thinking theres some kind of change."
"There is nothing so stable as change."
"I change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else."