"In 1973, women got 59 cents on the dollar now we are getting 74 cents on the dollar. In the area of finance and business, we are at 68 cents on the dollar."
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Henry Ford on Finance"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."
Benjamin Franklin on Finance"It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money."
Albert Camus on Finance"Part of your heritage in this society is the opportunity to become financially independent."
Jim Rohn on Finance"Don't gamble take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it."
Will Rogers on Finance"When they take surveys of women in business, of the Fortune 500, the successful women, 80% of them, say they were in sports as a young woman."
"Men can have a huge turnover of sponsorship and still survive a lot better than the women. But the women's ratings are better, at least at home in the United States than in the men's tennis."
"I think it's impossible to judge whether another person should come out. You just hope they will on their own time and their own terms."
"If your partner wants to be private, you have to respect that."
"Women get the attention when we get into the men's arena, and that's sad."