"Therefore, the good of man must be the end of the science of politics."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Albert Einstein on Science"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Science"Science investigates religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power religion gives man wisdom which is control."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Science"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right a single experiment can prove me wrong."
Albert Einstein on Science"Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss."
Ralph Waldo Emerson on Science"Bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age."
"Education is the best provision for old age."
"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."
"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them for these only gave them life, those the art of living well."