17:17 30 July 2014
Following growing concerns that the deadly Eboloa virus could spread to the UK, the government’s emergency committee has urgently disccused how to tackle the ‘new and emerging threat’ while doctors in the country were put on alert to spot symptoms.
The recent outbreak, which has the claimed the lives of at least 670 in West Africa, is considered the largest in history.
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said that no British nationals have been affected so far. He added: “However the Prime Minister does regard it as a very serious threat and I will be chairing a Cobra meeting later today to assess the situation and look at any measures that we need to take either in the UK, or in our diplomatic posts abroad in order to manage the threat.
"We are very much focused on it as a new and emerging threat which we need to deal with."
Meanwhile, Dr Brian McCloskey, director of global health at Public Health England (PHE), said: "The continuing increase in cases, especially in Sierra Leone, and the importation of a single case from Liberia to Nigeria is a cause for concern as it indicates the outbreak is not yet under control."