11:05 27 May 2013
Prime Minister David Cameron was photographed soaking up the sun in Ibiza with his smiling wife while the country reportedly faces the biggest UK terror attack since 7/7.
While he is in Ibiza having a holiday with his family, supporters of butchered soldier Lee Rigby packed the streets of Woolwich in South East London to pay tribute. Among them is the family of the victim who traveled to the murder scene where they found mountains of flowers and messages for the fallen hero.
The victim’s supporters and MPs have voiced their fury. MP Sarah Champion said: “While the country struggles to come to terms with the vile crime in Woolwich and investigations continue, he has swanned off to Ibiza. People deserve better from their Prime Minister.”
However, a No10 spokesman assured everyone that the Prime Minister is still in charge. He said: “The PM is on holiday with his family for the week. As always, whilst away, he remains in charge, and has office support with him.”