17:33 13 October 2015
Nasa has confirmed its plans of colonizing the Red Planet in a large document entitled “Nasa’s Journey to Mars – Pioneering Next Steps in Space Exploration. The agency said that having human beings live in the planet will be the end point of years of research.
The document reveals three stages of the agency’s plan to get to Mars. The Earth Reliant, Proving Ground, and Earth Independent. The plan include testing out in deep space in an environment that will allow humans to get back to Earth in days. Such will be considered “a global achievement that marks a transition in humanity’s expansion as we go to Mars not just to visit, but to stay.”
The plan added: While there, humans will live and work within habitats that “support human life for years, with only routine maintenance”. They’ll harvest “Martian resources to create fuel, water, oxygen and building materials” and use “advanced communication systems” to send information back with only a 20-minute delay.
“NASA and its partners are working on the solutions every day so we can answer some of humanity’s fundamental questions about life beyond Earth,” the report concludes. “Was Mars home to microbial life? Is it today? Could it be a safe home for humans one day? What can it teach us about life elsewhere in the cosmos or how life began on Earth? What can it teach us about Earth’s past, present and future?”