17:19 12 May 2014
In a first of its kind study conducted to establish the relation between rising levels of male infertility and the potential dangers of common household products, researchers have claimed that chemicals found in toothpaste, soap, and plastic toys significantly affect the potency of sperm cells.
The scientists added among the household products, it is the chemicals found in sunscreens, detergents, and plastic that directly sabotage the human sperm’s swimming behaviour and cause them to prematurely release the critical enzymes needed to penetrate and fertilise eggs.
Professor Niels Skakkebaek, of Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark, told the Independent: “For the first time, we have shown a direct link between exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals from industrial products and adverse effects on human sperm function.”
“In my opinion, our findings are clearly of concern as some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are possibly more dangerous than previously thought.
"However, it remains to be seen from forthcoming clinical studies whether our findings may explain reduced couple fertility which is very common in modern societies.”