18:10 08 June 2015
NHS Blood and Transplant has confirmed that the number of fresh volunteers is 120,000 fewer compared to the past decade. It is believed that the main reason for the 40per cent drop is the increasing pressure on people’s free time – citing longer commutes and the distractions of social media.
Jon Latham, assistant director for donor services and marketing at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), which provides blood supplies for England and north Wales, said: "We simply can't ignore the fact that there has been a stark reduction in the number of new donors coming forward - a trend seen across the world.”
Currently, only 3-4per cent of those people who are eligible to donate blood are volunteering on a regular basis.
"We know that people's lives have got busier over the last decade", said Mr Latham.
"People are working longer hours, commuting further, spending more time online and have less time of their own, despite more options of how to use it.”
"While we can meet the needs of patients now, it's important we strengthen the donor base for the future," Mr Latham said.