15:59 22 April 2015
26-year-old restaurant manager Curt Almond has developed a bizarre addiction – wearing a new pair of boxer shorts everyday, which is now the reason why he is facing bankruptcy.
Almond said that his addiction started when he became disgusted at a partner wearing the same pants three days in a row.
He said: “It all began following a split with my partner. Whenever they stayed over, they would always end up wearing the same pants for three days running - it was disgusting.
“Eventually I ended the relationship and, as a way of getting over them, I started wearing a fresh pair of boxers every day.”
"I treated myself to really nice Calvin Klein ones. It always felt great to slip into a crisp pair.
“It got to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable unless I was wearing a new pair.
“Eventually my money started to run out and I had to buy budget ones instead.
"Finally, when a bill came in, I looked at finances and realised that I was spending all my savings on underpants, so I managed to wean myself off the compulsion.”
Spending £40 a week on boxer shorts, he soon realised that he needed to change his ways or face bankruptcy.