16:30 03 November 2016
Astronomers and stargazers will have plenty to look forward to this November including meteors, planets and a supermoon, which will be the biggest since 1948.
On November 5th aand 6th, the red planet will appear next to the crescent moon. On the first night, Mars will be visible to the left of the moon and on the second night, it will move just below the moon. On November 11, there will be another Taurid Meteor Shower, the same one seen last month.
Meanwhile, the biggest supermoon in 70 years will be visible on the night of November 14. NASA said: "The full moon of November 14 is not only the closest full moon of 2016, but also the closest full moon to date in the 21st century,"
"The full moon won’t come this close to Earth again until 25 November 2034."
Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system will also be visible next to the moon. The best time to view it will be an hour before dawn.