18:41 21 April 2015
New York Times has claimed that officer workers in the United States are using a variety of amphetamine-based stimulants usually prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to improve work performance. Among the prescription drugs being used include Adderall, Vyvanse, and Concerta.
Reports say that users get the pills through illegal dealers or by feigning symptoms of ADHD to obtain a prescription.
Meanwhile, doctors said that taking ADHD medication causes anxiety, addiction, and hallucinations in high doses. Despite this, research shows that the use of the stimulant is wide spreading. According to a Federal report, the number of 18-34 years old who are using the stimulants increased by three times in 202011. The number of people entering rehab also increased between 2010-2012.
Aside from office workers, there is also a growing number of college students who are abusing Adderall. "Given the increase in rates of abuse in college students over the last decade, it is essential that we understand the outcomes as they leave college and assume adult roles," Dr. Wilson Compton, the deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, told the Times in an interview.