13:53 19 December 2016
Misconceptions about online learning exist because many people do not know how online learning works. Some register for online courses hoping to escape from the demands of traditional degree programs while others disregard online courses. Individuals who have graduated with online degrees can attest to the fact that myths about online learning are not factual. Here are some common myths about online nursing degrees.
Some students think that they do not have to work too hard to obtain an online degree. The truth is that an online program requires as much attention as an on-campus program. In fact, online students have to work extra hard to keep up with their lectures and assignments because learning the expectations of online tutors is difficult. If you are pursuing an MSN administration degree, it is easier for you to determine if you are ready for an exam through live class discussions than through online interactions with your lecturer.
Some online students assume that their tutors do not check their assignments especially when live lectures are few. Hence, they assume that they can easily cheat in their assignments and tests. Online tutors are equally strict with their online classes as they are with resident classes. The school administration expects them to use the same requirements and standards for online and traditional degree programs.
Online learning is not an easy way out of class discussions. Most online nursing programs require students to participate in online discussions every week. Students have to post evidence- based opinions of the given topic and respond to other students’ posts. The students’ participation in the discussion is included in the final grade. In some programs, online students are required to organize live discussions to complete group projects. Hence, whether you attain your MSN in nursing administration online or in a physical classroom, you have to participate in class discussions.
Your choice of a university or college determines if you will graduate with an accredited degree or not. Confirm that the online nursing program is affiliated with an accredited university or college before enrolling in it. Register at a reputable university such as Bradley University for your MSN administration degree to get an accredited degree. The university uses the same standards for its online and traditional MSN administration program.
This misconception hinders many people from advancing in education. Employers recognize online degrees, especially from accredited institutions. By pursuing an online nursing degree while working, you send a message to your employer that you are willing to work hard to improve your skills and advance your career. Completing an online program also shows that you are disciplined and self-driven. Employers assume that you will apply the same qualities to your job, which gives you an advantage over your colleagues.
If you intend to enroll in any online course, you must have the right mindset about online learning. You will be required to put in the same effort and time as other students to obtain your online nursing degree. Also, remember to enroll in a reputable college or university if you want to make sure that your degree will be recognized.