16:48 24 February 2013
Solar power has been around for awhile, and the prices have become very affordable for many people. If you are concerned about the environment, carbon footprints, or even your increasing utility bills, then consider adding solar power to your home. It may be a great idea.
Conducting a large-scale conversion to solar power is not necessarily right for everyone so there are a few things you will want to check before you jump into the process.
1) Structural integrity. If your roof is in poor condition, you will not want to consider solar energy until you have it repaired.
2) What direction your roof faces. You are going to get the most out of an investment in solar power if you have a roof, which faces south. You can give it a try with other directions, but the system will not produce very much energy and may not save you much on your bills.
3) Type of residence you live in. If you are a homeowner or property owner of a building you own, then you have the necessary permissions and rights to opt for solar power additions. If you are a tenant, however, you could discuss the idea with the property/building owner.
4) Regulations. It is a good idea to check with the appropriate authorities about any regulations and restrictions in your area. Special permission may be obtained in some areas even with restrictions, so keep checking your options.
These are a few basics to help you begin your search into adding solar power to your home.
Even if you are a tenant, or your home is unable to support solar power, there are a few ways you can still help the environment. Small solar devices such as laptop and cell phone charges can work well help the environment a little and may still decrease your utility bill.