11:50 20 December 2011
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCRyQ8eQub4
A new digital detox (de-tech) holiday is being launched in St Vincent and The Grenadines, as consumer research reveals that 77 per cent of people believe that time without gadgets and technology would liberate them, improve their relationships, make them a better person and give them more time for their loved ones.
So great is the need for help, that a new de-tech holiday is being launched in St Vincent and The Grenadines by bespoke travel company Black Tomato.
The holiday is designed to completely wean people off their technology – literally going cold-turkey on the beach.
It includes a guide to “de-teching” and a session with a life-coach (www.createyourself.co.uk) before jetting off to the idyllic islands that have no TVs in the rooms and discourage the use of technology on their stunning beaches.